For this blog post we thought we’d give you a little behind-the-scenes glimpse of what it’s like filming a wedding band showreel video.
Most professional wedding bands have to produce a showreel video so clients can see what the band is like. Most professional wedding bands, like Azure, don’t play pubs or bars, so a video is an essential part of any website.
This latest video coincides with Azure’s move to a slightly more contemporary pop repertoire. We’ve been adding a ...
Continue Reading →We’ve begun this wedding band blog for several reasons. First and foremost … we’re of course a London wedding band!
Secondly, we’ve just given the Azure band website a new coat of paint so it seems the perfect time for us to create a space to tell you all about what we’re up to and what we’re planning.
Thirdly, we have a lot to tell you. Over the years we’ve performed for 10,000s of wedding guests and hundreds of lovely clients. Every time we perform, there’s always ...
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